Documentation / Accounting



The Greenhouse PM Accounting system was designed to be a simple, non-intrusive double-entry accounting solution for tracking the financial information related to your property management business. There are 5 basic Account Types available for use:

  • Bank / Cash  Used for your checking and petty cash accounts
  • Trust / Escrow  Accounts used for keeping security deposit funds (or any other funds to be held in trust)
  • Liabilities / Credit Cards  Any liability account, like credit cards or security deposits
  • Income  Accounts for recording income transactions, like Rent, Late Fee, or Application Fees
  • Expenses  Accounts for recording expenses, such as repairs, maintenance, or administrative costs

Ledger Entries can be recorded either by automated tasks triggered by certain events, or manually from the Expense/Income forms available in the record Profiles or the Expense/Income/Transfer forms available in the Accounting Module itself.

Tracking Mileage

The Greenhouse PM Accounting system also provides an incredibly simple interface for tracking mileage driven throughout the year. This interface allows you to record miles driven by date, and it will automatically group miles driven into their respective months so that you can easily see when you spend the most time driving.

This interface shows you aggregate mileage for the current year-to-date, the previous year, and the year before that, all grouped by month. It's incredibly easy to spot mileage trends, and almost effortless to report mileage during tax season.